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  1. Sorry to ask you here, just discovered this website (I couldn’t create an account on GB forums)

    What do you think about the WODs on Maximal Strength gains? I’m following them from over 3 weeks (only WOD, without FSB extra) and doing Jiu Jitsu 3x a week, but I found the wods aren’t much focused on strength (or maybe I just can’t handle the volume). Do you think it’s better to scale my own program? I mean, I really miss the strength workouts, and I already have my cardio focused during the training.

    Sorry about all that, my english is very poor (brazilian).

    • For maximal strength, I’m not sure it’s that optimal. The GB WOD itself is set of something more rounded, IMO almost more tailored for the fitness enthusiast while being somewhat “minimalist (Not requiring A LOT of time per day/week).”

      The Killroy70 template is probably better suited since it’s a linear strength program but it’s 1 push, pull, core, and leg strength varying in planes of movement besides statics.

      So a linear strength program might be better suited focusing on just 1 or 2 exercises per group.

      One of the risks you run into with that linear strength is burning out or too much on the joints if you progress too fast. So the programming has to be tricky.

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