Posted by: blairbob | June 8, 2010

GymnasticsBodies seminar and GB WOD

After taking last week off after the GB seminar (mainly to recover and allow my shoulder some time to recuperate), I’m back to doing the GB WOD’s.

The seminar was awesome though my shoulders were feeling pretty wrecked, especially my right shoulder. I thought it was gonna tear off from the sternoclavicularjoint at one point. I ended up getting an impingement that was adjusted on the third day though I worked on it with a golf ball and bowling ball the prior night with small success.

Tons of mobility stuff which was way cool. A few workouts as well though we skipped some others to cover more material. It didn’t matter because at that point I probably would have bowed out to ease off the shoulder.

Of course, picking Coach Sommer’s brain turned out quite informative besides asking Dillon and Jeff and Rob for other details. I’ve got about 19 pages of notes and as I go through them; I keep on remembering other details. As well other forumites took plenty of notes and there were some spectacular falls besides impressive feats of strength

More details about how the seminar went down here:

Last week, I didn’t do much. On Friday, I warmed up with the one guy who showed up and we did the basic strength planks (all 4), L and straddle-L and hollow/arch holds. Uck. I’m glad I can do most of those for 1m still.

So I’m going to strive to go back to the GB WOD’s like I did last year. They have changed a bit and while I would prefer to doing my programming, the 2-3 hours gets a bit old and nigh impossible when I don’t seem to intake enough food prior in the day. It’s possible it was just too much to take on but man, it seemed sweet on paper.

Since the GB WOD’s are the preferred GB program, I’m gonna go back to that for the summer and see how it goes. 2-3 months, bare minimum. I will be adding the basic strength holds after a short WU (shoulders and wrists) besides L and straddle-L and finishing off with hollow and arch holds. I’ll be playing around with volume a bit to survive besides doing limbers and press HS. Somewhere in there, I will work the mobility and maybe even drop into a lil CF or lifting somewhere. I still wanna O-lift.

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